Thursday, October 10, 2013

60 Sensational Social Media Facts and Statistics on Twitter in 2013

60 Sensational Social Media Facts and Statistics on Twitter in 2013

Social media facts and statistics are often pieced together from sites that seem credible but sometimes they leave a lingering doubt. Is it smoke, mirrors or is it a fact? Stating it can be easy but verifying it can be almost impossible.
As they say… “there are damned lies and then there are statistics“.
When you are raising $1 billion in a public float, the numbers are under the microscope. The government is glancing over your shoulder and the investors are casting a withering eye and wanting a return. You are moving from private to public and that can be unforgiving. Just ask Facebook’s executives after they went public last year.
Twitter is floating part of its business to raise capital as it seeks to continue growing on a web that doesn’t like downward subscriber and revenue trajectories.

What has Twitter revealed?

Here are some of the numbers that were part of the 800 page filing for the Twitter IPO.
  1. In 2010 Twitter’s revenue was $28 million
  2. Last year (2012) Twitter achieved sales of $317 million
  3. The first half of this year saw revenue of $254 million
  4. If this rate of growth continues it will exceed $656 million for the full year
  5. 87 percent of revenue is from advertising
  6. Twitter currently has 218 million active monthly users
  7. 169 million of users are are outside the USA
  8. Twitter has never made a profit
  9. It has lost an accumulated $419 million since launch
  10. Private investors have put a total of $759 million into the social networks coffers
  11. Twitter has $375 million cash in the bank
  12. Twitter has generated 64 cents per user in the last 3 months.(Meanwhile in the same period Facebook created $1.58 per user and LinkedIn a $1.53)
  13. Twitter is mobile centric and 65% of its advertising earnings are from ads on tablets and smartphones
  14. There are 2,000 employees
  15.  Market value on floating is predicted to be as high as $20 billion
So they are the numbers for the float. What are some other interesting social media facts and statistics about Twitter?

The facts on tweets, hashtags and other numbing numbers

Twitter thrives on tweets and hashtags. What are some of the latest figures on the 140 character web tweeting? I have pulled some numbers out of the Infographic below for those who have to rush off to a meeting or only having a short sharp coffee while reading this post.
  1. 135,000 Twitter accounts are registered every day
  2. 58 million tweets a day
  3. There are 2.1 billion searches on Twitter every 24 hours
  4. Some of the top and interesting hashtags include the potential reach generated by these hashtags:  #mancrushmonday (5.5 million), #TransformationTuesday(10.17 million) and #ThrowBackThursday (31.4 million)
  5. Justin Bieber has the largest following with over 44 million followers
  6. Katy Perry is second with more than 42 million
  7. Lady Gaga comes in third at 40 million plus
If you want to find out the other 38 facts you cn view them in the infographic below

Twitter statistics infographic

This infographic is courtesy of  Masters in finance and researched by Merrill Cook.
sensational social mediafacts and statistics behind Twitter


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