Whether you’re confined within the four walls of your cubicle, or find yourself sending emails from the friendly skies, you can save time and productivity by getting your work done in the cloud.  Here’s a list of our seven favorite apps to help you excel at team collaboration and organization, which are accessible from any device…anytime and anywhere…..
1. Goodbye, repetitive task lists. Hello, cloud-accessible prioritized workstations!
So many precious hours during the workday are pre-dedicated solely to managing internal operations, and nonsense productivity meetings. For those who want to organize their task stream while keeping colleagues up-to-date on their workflow, welcome Asana. Individuals and teams alike will appreciate Asana’s collaborative task management ‘workspace,’ which includes sections to categorize projects and tasks with the help of tags, notes, comments and tools to increase user efficiency. Assign tasks to various individuals within your team, prioritize them based on their importance, and ultimately, sit back and watch your team’s productivity thrive, effortlessly. With a mobile application available for download, Asana will keep your team members updated with what you’re working on, while you’re on-the-go.

remote office apps
best practices for engagement
2.    Exchange meaningful conversations and important files with one simple click.
No more waiting for your company’s conference room to become available to meet with co-workers.  Want to drop a quick note to one of your colleagues without the hassle of picking up the phone? Looking for a faster way to share big files without using an external program that takes forever to upload? Look no further than HipChat, the group chat and IM service built for internal communication productivity.  Between HipChat’s instant messaging and file transferring services, you’ll no longer miss out on important conversations or wait hours to send urgent files to clients. Sick of having to repeatedly upload massive files? HipChat allows users to share ideas and files within designated rooms- perfect for individual projects, or document sharing across departments, while keeping a complete history of previously uploaded files, so users can access them at any time, from any device.
mobile apps
social media
3. Leave those paper files in the cabinet and connect to them online anytime, from anywhere.
You know the saying, you can’t be in two places at once? With the help of LogMeIn, now you can! Frequent business travelers, listen up! If your focus is on new business development or outside sales, chances are you don’t have the time to be in front of your computer 24/7. Even better, if you have those demanding client types, who seem to always urgently request a file while you’re on vacation, fear no more! With the help of LogMeIn, you can be in two places at once.  All you have to do is leave your home computer running and connected to the Internet.  Then, you can virtually access your computer, as well as any of your files from thousands of miles away, even from a smartphone or tablet! In addition to their remote management products, LogMeIn have recently launched BoldChat, a live chat software that allows businesses to engage with their website visitors for increased customer satisfaction, as well as Join.me, a Skype-equivalent meeting app that combines instant screen sharing with meeting rooms and internet calling.

4. No Internet? No problem! Read in the air, or in the woods; whichever you prefer!
Avid readers, unite! Ever experience that moment where you wish you could read articles on your smartphone or tablet but don’t have access to a local Internet connection? Meet Instapaper, an app that allows users to speedily download articles to their iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch while connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data coverage to save and enjoy later. Instapaper features include customizable reading screens, article browsing via friends’ “liked” articles, and a sharing function which allows you to post to Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Evernote and others, which will be saved and automatically posted the next time you are online.

5. Analyze how you spend your work day for better time management.
Everyone talks about finding their ideal work-life balance, but how can you really find an appropriate amount of time to dedicate to one certain task when there are so many everyday distractions in your digital life? RescueTime is here to help you focus on your tasks, and be more productive during your work day. Set personal goals, like spending less than one hour per day on email to help you stay focused. Take action by setting alarms that tell you when you’ve spent more than two hours on Facebook. Receive detailed reports that show you how much time you spent in various categories, how productive you were, and whether you achieved your goals. Long live unproductivity; block distracting sites that you want to steer away from, and even track your offline activity, such as meetings, phone calls and your morning commute.

6.    Can’t live without your Smart phone? Meet the world’s smartest inbox!
As the world increasingly goes social, it seems that our phones continue to get smarter, but our email usage becomes duller by the day. Wondering when your inbox will become as ‘smart’ as your phone? Meet Xobni, a service that integrates Outlook’s features in sync with the socially connected world that we live in today. Xobni automatically finds all the people that you’ve ever exchanged emails, calls or SMS messages with, and instantly provides a full-view of each contact, their photo, title, company details and their personal updates from both Facebook and Twitter. In addition, the program helps users to analyze their email patterns and how they manage relationships with various contacts. Most recently, Xobni released Smartr, where email analysis is being performed while on the Cloud via users’ Gmail accounts, iPhones and Android devices. Today, it’s proven that for every 100 emails that Xobni has indexed, the service generates 14 new contacts for the Xobni user, while Xobni users see their contact list grow by 100% in their first year of use.

7.    Alas….a program changing the way that you web conference.
We’ve all been there- just when you need it the most, your “go-to” web meeting program just doesn’t seem to be working. Whether you’re hosting an internal meeting, or a conference amongst employees located nationwide, you need a reliable web conferencing program. Introducing iMeet, a program that will change the way Skype and Go to Meeting users view the advancement of web conferencing. The biggest issue of today’s web conferencing programs is that they’re so difficult to use. With iMeet, users are engaged with an intuitive interface, so it’s easier to build stronger customer relationships and close more deals. All of iMeet’s plans include customizable meeting space, unlimited file and screen sharing, private and public chat space during your meeting, compatibility among PCs, Macs, iPhone’s and tablets, a note capturing through the Evernote program and compatibility among PCs, Macs, iPhone’s and tables. Best of all, no downloading is needed for guests attending iMeet users’ conferences.