Monday, December 30, 2013

3 Small Business Pinterest Marketing Tips

If your company is already on Pinterest, and you’re having some issues getting traction, then we have some awesome strategy tips designed to get your Pinterest marketing up and running.
Pinterest Tips Infographic
Tip 1. Add A “Pin it” Button To Your Website and Individual Products 
Having a “Pin it” button directly on your website is an essential element of a successful Pinterest strategy. You want to make it as simple as possible for people to interact with your brand on social, and a “Pin it”  button allows your audience to engage and pin your content instantly. If you currently don’t have a “Pin it” button on your website, this handy tutorial will show you how to easily add one!
Tip 2. Drive A Call To Action Through Imagery
I love this tip! A typical call to action is text which prompts your readers to take the next action- whether it be to call your business, enter a contest, join an emailing list or so forth. However, a visual call to action is the perfect way to connect with your audience via Pinterest, since the network is centered around imagery. This helpful guide from Hubspot on How to Make A Visual Call To Action For Your Small Business is a great resource to get started on this tip.
Tip 3. When Pinning, Focus On Quality Not Quantity
While Pinterest is certainly a popular network, you don’t want to overload your small businesses feed with too many pins (this practice is often referred to as ‘pin dumping’) and risk annoying your followers. We recommend not posting more than 5 new pins an hour. View Pinterest as a gallery where you upload your most noteworthy or popular products, and keep the majority of your inventory on your website. We wrote a great article earlier this year on How To Get More Pinterest Repins using quality content- check it out! It’s full of helpful tips to make sure you choose the best content for your next pin.

1 comment:

pan card online application said...

Thanks a lot. This is really helpful. Seventy million individuals are, with an expansive number of those being bloggers, organizations, brands, and organizations. The chances to grow your range and meet your gathering of people are numerous on Pinterest, and they come in numerous one of a kind ways. Despite the fact that falling under the umbrella of online networking advertising, Pinterest has its own exceptional notes and best practices that assistance make it a greatly fun, energizing spot to test, emphasize, and include an incentive to those the system.