Tuesday, January 28, 2014

5 Quick Tips on How to Email Market like a Rock Star

5 Tips on How to Email Market

Email marketing has grown progressively more popular as a powerful tool for businesses around the globe, and it is being talked about everywhere – from across the internet to corporate boardrooms and from company meetings to marketing strategy seminars and conferences. While you may have heard about email marketing almost constantly, you may not necessarily know how to do email marketing. Here then, are five effective and successful tips on how to email market:

1.    The Email’s Target

In an increasingly impatient marketplace, you need to be extremely careful about who you approach and how you approach them. If you lose a prospect’s attention once, it might become nigh impossible to recapture it. So conduct extensive research, pick your target audience carefully, and send to them an email with a message that they want to receive. Selecting the right targets for your emails will help you avoid wasting your time and resources on people who might never convert into customers.

2.    The Email’s Design

Here is a fact about email marketing. Emails that are slow and ugly get deleted, and they never make it beyond the spam folder. You need to learn how to design an email with a creative, fluid layout that is easy on the recipients’ eyes. Use attractive images, aesthetically pleasant colors, and make it easy for the reader to browse through the email. And most importantly don’t forget about mobile responsive emails as they are becoming vital as ever.

3.    The Email’s Message

We are, all of us, familiar now with emails that we consider to be spam, those that annoy us and waste our time on grumpy Monday mornings and relaxed Sunday evenings. Do not send those emails. This is the most important lesson for you when trying to learn how to email market successfully. The message you send should be relevant to the recipient’s needs and requirements, likes and dislikes, and to their preferences.
The other important part of an email’s message is the first message that a customer sees – the subject line. The subject line is critical to improving the first metric which is the open rate. If your open rates are low, it will have direct impact on your CTR’s and your overall conversions and sales. It’s important to be creative and come up with catchy email subject lines that work and help you improve all metrics.

4.    The Email’s Timing

When you choose to send your email is just as important as who you send it to and how you send it. Time your campaign so that it maximizes your sales conversions and response rates. Do not hit the send button overnight, but wait until your recipient wakes up and makes it to the workplace. They will be more inclined to pay attention to you when they are procrastinating at their jobs. Sales increase over certain periods or on particular days, such as during the holiday season. Try to use those times to your best advantage.

5.    The Email’s Incentive

One very certain way of chasing away your prospects is failing to provide them with an incentive in the emails you send to them. Always try to the answer the question: ‘What’s in it for me?’ Give the recipients of your emails a reason to participate and to respond, and to eventually even convert into one of your customers.
If you have been wondering how to email market effectively and successfully, use the tips provided above and launch a marketing campaign that will help improve your sales conversions and your subsequent profits.

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