Saturday, January 18, 2014

People Don't Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves

There is the famous story about Steve Jobs when he invented the iPod and everyone in the news and the rest of the tech industry scratched their head a little. MP3 players had been around for quite a while, what was so different about the iPod?
Of course, people argued many things were different, but one of the key aspects was how Jobs marketed and presented it:
“1,000 songs in your pocket”
features vs benefits

When everyone else was saying “1GB storage on your MP3 player”, telling people about the product, Apple went ahead and made you a better person, that has 1000 songs in your pocket.

Our friends over at User Onboarding wrote an incredible post and graphic, showcasing how this framework looks on a higher level:
features vs benefits
In particular, the image itself proved to be popular—understandably. It’s a great way to describe clever marketing that focuses on benefits rather than features.
I’ve heard people talk about using benefits instead of features in marketing, but I’ve always struggled to understand the difference. For this post, I explored this in a bit more detail and dug up some examples of companies who do this well.

Features vs. benefits – how to grasp the difference

Here’s how our friends at User Onboarding explained features vs. benefits:
People don’t buy products; they buy better versions of themselves. When you’re trying to win customers, are you listing the attributes of the flower or describing how awesome it is to throw fireballs?
It also included this Tweet from Jason Fried on the topic:

. One from the ideacrossing blog describes features as “what your product or service has or does” and benefits as “what the features mean and why they are important.”
So, it seems like features are the “what” of your product or service, while benefits are the “why” behind it.
I also found a really neat, old marketing quote that’s often attributed to Theodore Levitt on why people buy quarter-inch drill bits:
They don’t want quarter-inch bits. They want quarter-inch holes.
So, the customer wants to make a quarter-inch hole for some reason. They buy a quarter-inch bit for their drill in order to achieve this. Marketing the drill bit based on its features (it fits into your drill) wouldn’t be as successful in this case as marketing it based on the benefits (you can create a quarter-inch hole).
So after all of this reading, I finally distilled the difference into a sentence that I think makes it easy to distinguish between features and benefits:
A feature is what your product does; a benefit is what the customer can do with your product.
But hey, enough the theory, let’s dig up some amazing examples from some of the best companies out there:

Some great examples of companies making you a better version of yourself

To get a better idea of how this works in practice, I thought it would be useful to take a look at some well-known companies who use benefits in their marketing strategies. Here are a few that I found:
EvernoteRemember Everything
features vs benefits
Evernote can’t remember everything for you. In fact, it can’t remember anything—it’s software. What it does is offer features to let you save and organize things. Remembering everything is what you can do with Evernote—the benefit!
TwitterStart a conversation, explore your interests, and be in the know.
features vs benefits
Twitter has used a few different benefits in their tag line on the homepage but they’re still focused on benefits. Each of these three things is something you can do with Twitter. Not a feature of the product.
Nest ThermostatSaving money is a beautiful thing.
features vs benefits
I love this one, because it’s so clever. In just six words, the Nest Thermostat tagline tells you what the biggest benefit is (you’ll save money), and something about what makes the product unique (it’s well-designed; it’s “a beautiful thing”).
LinkedInBe great at what you do.
features vs benefits
LinkedIn has gone even further by referencing the customer in their tagline. Saying “Be great at what you do” makes it clear that the idea is you’ll be great at what you do if you use LinkedIn. It’s very customer-focused, rather than pushing features of the product or company mottos front-and-center.
GithubBuild software better, together.
features vs benefits
Another super simple, but clear tagline. Github has a really obvious benefit to sell to customers, and features don’t even play a part in the tagline.

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