Pinterest is a rapidly expanding online social network. It now connects over 70 million users.  As a result, Pinterest provides an excellent interactive platform through which you can promote your business. Research shows that users who were notified of products on Pinterest spent 70% more money on those products than users who were referred from other online networks. Capitalize upon this lucrative audience and your business enterprise is sure to flourish.

What is Pinterest?

In simple terms, Pinterest is a pin board style photo sharing website which enables users to create and manage theme-based image collections of hobbies, services or interests. Users can browse neighbouring pin boards for images, re-pin these images to their own pin boards, or like and comment upon photos. You can affiliate your business with this quirky method of social networking by following a series of simple processes:

Sharing relevant content

Firstly, analyze which are the most popular pins currently on Pinterest. This will permit you to learn about the types of products or services in which users are interested and which they share across Pinterest. If any of these trends are applicable to your business, you can subsequently tailor your Pinterest content in order to contribute and affiliate yourself with these current trends. For example, if your business offers services or products associated with the motoring industry, such as Jardine Motors who use Pinterest, you can post interesting pins of vehicles which are currently popular on Pinterest, or if you are a florist such as Kemsley Flowers, you can post interesting pins of flowers. By associating elements of your business with popular trends, users will be more likely to take notice of your site, share your pins or even seek your professional services.

Being active on Pinterest

It is fundamental that you maintain active participation with other members of the Pinterest community in order to improve your business' online presence and popularity. This involves following the activities of other boards and regularly re-pin interesting or relevant pins to them. Similarly, include comments on these boards to initiate contact with a wider range of Pinterest users. If you continue to post interesting and relevant content, users will recognise your business and develop a loyalty with it. Similarly, if you re-pin and comment on other boards, these users will be more likely to reciprocate, which will in turn further establish the status and online reputation of your business.

Following on in this vein, it is important you focus on generating original content which users will be encouraged to share with others across Pinterest. Consider creating interesting info-graphics or visually creative photographs which will capture user curiosity. Not only will this content notify other users about your business, but it will engage and intrigue them, thus encouraging them to return to your site in future and recommend your services to others. Roughly 80% of all pins on Pinterest are re-pins. Therefore it is crucial to the success of your business that you generate interesting original content which others will be motivated to re-pin.

Integrate your social media

You can also integrate your other online social networking sites with Pinterest to further promote your business. Emphasising the popularity of your business across a vast network of social communities will consolidate and establish the reputation of your business. You can share your Pinterest board on other networks such as Facebook, or link your pins to your Twitter feed. Integrate your social networking communities in order to generate as much online traffic for your site as possible. Online popularity is crucial to the success of any modern business. Combining your fan bases from across your various social networking sites increases online awareness of your brand and substantially promotes your business.

Additionally, you can consolidate all your social media feeds into one area, permitting visitors on your business website or Facebook fan page to simultaneously view your Pinterest posts. Providing an interactive platform of universal accessibility to your business significantly promotes your services and generates a wealth of potential customers and prospective clients. With over 500,000 Pinterest business accounts, it is evident that this emerging social network provides an excellent opportunity through which to promote and establish your business.

How To increase your Pinterest followers in just 5 Minutes per day

47% of online shoppers in the U.S have made purchasers based on Pinterest recommendations, proving that Pinterest can be a great tool for your company. Check out this infographic from Who Is Hosting This tilted - Double your interest followers in just 5 Minutes per day - full of useful tips to increase your following.

Double your interest followers in just 5 Minutes per day - infographic