Tuesday, February 11, 2014

4 Reasons You Have to Respond on Social Media

Why You Need To Have A Social Media Response Strategy
Yeah, I'm on Facebook and Twitter. Isn't that enough?  While that is definitely a good start, by no means is that enough.  In today's social atmosphere that we are a part of having a Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterst, Google Plus, YouTube channel, and maybe even Vine isn't enough.  To see any results you need to update regularly and respond to people.

Not sure why you need to be responding?  Well let me put it this way.  What if you were at a party and talking to a friend?  And while you were in this situation, you kept asking your friend questions but you got nothing in return. Nothing but complete silence.  You'd think they were being pretty rude, right?  A conversation is usually multi-sided.  Well, the same rules apply online. And as a business it is your duty to respond to people talking to you or at the very least responding to people who are looking for answers.  It's good etiquette.
Beyond the etiquette side of things, responding can do a lot good for your business and the relationships you build online.  Here are four more reasons why you need to respond to as many people as possible online.

4 Reasons You Have To Respond On Social Media

1.  Increases Your Credibility

People are weary of online businesses.  This is a fact. I think the perception of online business is changing as everyone has to be online now, but still it is something to think about.  Responding to inquiries helps build your credibility as a business.  It makes you trustworthy and makes people feel comfortable doing business with you online as they know they can reach you online.

Want to learn more about being credible online?  Here's an article I wrote on the subject of building youronline credibility.
2.  Customer Expect It

42% of consumers who complain on social media expect a response in under 60 minutes. That's pretty important to know.  If you don't respond to your customers you can expect them to go elsewhere with their money.

3.  Shows You Care

This is probably the reason that resonates the most with me.  When someone responds to me online I know that they care about me.  They actually took the time out of their day to talk with me and build a relationship with me.  I like that and it makes me like the business better.  I would much rather do business with a company that cares about how I feel than one who ignores me.  Wouldn't you?

4.  Can Turn Haters Into Lovers

People who are complaining can turn into people who love you with a simple response.  It's like someone crying, sometimes all they need is a little love and attention to turn their frown into a smile.  This isn't just a guess either, 7 out of 10 people say their perception of a company changed from negative to positive when they received a response.

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