The most shared post in my SMToolbox column this year was the interview with Martin Shervington on Google Plus. Martin has now produced a really useful overview of how to improve your engagement on Google Plus.
Some of the key lessons set out by Martin in the infogrraphic below include:
  • build a circle of your top 100 brand evangelists and supporters: if you do nothing else take this advice
  • avoid spamming people by choosing 'notify by email'
  • use the Explore tab to see what others are sharing and get involved in conversations
  • use Hangouts, personally I cant emphasise this enough. You can start to build strong personal relationships with Hangouts
  • join communities but don't just share your own content and focus on one or two where you can commit the time to be involved
  • an engaging Goolge Plus post has images, mentions people, is formatted well and stands on its own as a post, see Martin's tips below.
If you want to take your Google Plus activity further do check out Martin’s PlusYourBusiness Quick Starter kit. There are helpful videos and guides to improve your performance on Google+. 