Thursday, June 26, 2014

Social Media Strategy Ideas for Small Businesses

Who says you have to spend thousands of dollars for a spectacular marketing campaign? With social media, both big and small businesses alike can compete for their target audience’s attention. All it will take is a strategy, a little creativity, and these steps to make a social media marketing campaign that can’t be beat. 
1.       Have a Goal and Stick With it
Know exactly how many times you are going to tweet or post to your other social media networks per day. You shouldn’t tweet so much that your followers are beginning to tune you out, but you should tweet just enough so that your business stays on the minds of your audience. The number can be adjusted, but I recommend posting a status update or tweet about 4 or 5 times throughout the day. Once you have this number decided, keep your posts consistent. Try to post something at the same time every day so that your followers will know when to expect it.

2.        Customer Service is #1, Even on the Internet
If people are leaving comments, questions, or concerns for you, make to respond as quickly as possible. This will show your readers that you care about how your customers feel. Even if someone posts a problem they have had with your products or company, try to resolve it through social media. If you are leaving questions or comments unanswered, this will have them feeling dissatisfied with your company and most likely seeking the help of your competitors instead. Great customer service can go a long way for your business’s reputation.
3.       Remember All of Your Social Media Networks
Depending on what social media tool your customers use the most, utilizing each social media tool will reach a larger audience, as well as those people who only use one specific social media website. Don’t forget to keep your Google +, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages updated since those are the ones that are the most popular.

4.       Research Your Competitors
Do a little digging to find out what social media tools your major competitors are using to get an idea of what you should also be incorporating into your social media campaign.

5.       Don’t Forget to Track Your Progress
Having a goal will do no good if you are not tracking the progress of your campaigns. Some areas that you should be tracking are the follower growth, page views, post likes or shares, and impressions.
These 5 tips will help lead your marketing strategy down the road to more brand awareness and communication among your customers.

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