Thursday, July 3, 2014

New Twitter Design Gives an Advantage to Businesses

The new Twitter design has been completed and rolled out to users on the Web. User reviews of the new Twitter design are mixed but businesses really like it. The new design changes are explained below.

New Twitter Design Emulates Other Social Media Sites

First, the profile page is made to look more like other social media sites such as Facebook and Google Plus. A large header that spans the top of your profile page can give your business a huge opportunity to promote your product or service. The recommended size of this header is 1500 pixels wide by 500 pixels tall with a maximum file size of 5 megabytes. The header is responsive and will adjust accordingly to the size of your web browser. Keeping this in mind, it is a good practice to upload the highest quality image possible, particularly to maintain a clear image as it is stretched out across browsers with larger dimensions. On the other side of the spectrum, the header has areas the appear just fine when viewed on a desktop computer but is hidden when viewed from a tablet or mobile device. Use a header image that best works for you and feel free to deviate from the recommended size requirements a little or even use a template for reference as needed.
Your profile picture is located at the bottom left side of the header image and is 400 pixels by 400 pixels. Your profile description is located under the profile picture. These views are based on a desktop computer. For users who are on mobile devices, even more screen space would be taken with the header.
After viewing this design, you can quickly see that when a user visits your profile, more than 60% of the page is taken by the header image. The two-column design leaves room for just a profile picture and profile description in the left side pane. On the right-side pane, there is only room for your Twitter user statistics and one or two tweets. Businesses are using the large header image as a promotional tool. Don’t forget to check any changes you make to your header and/or profile picture on multiple browsers, tablets, and mobile devices to verify the new design displays correctly across the board.

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