Friday, July 4, 2014

The Best Tactics to Generate More Leads from Facebook and Twitter

Social media is a great way to connect, share and interact with others beyond the known periphery. You will come across many online blogs discussing the best ways to enhance your social media reach. We will not delve into that same matter further. Our focus will be on something else: Lead Generation.

Likes, pins, followers, comments, friends, and engagement - these are popular social media metrics. But what is more vital to consider is whether such metrics result in sales at the end of the day. Otherwise, all of them are completely useless.
Change your perspective
One of the biggest misconceptions about social media sites is that they are only for brand awareness and not for generating leads. If you consider the same, your business is missing out on a lucrative marketing channel.
Instead of getting distracted with the counts of Facebook Likes and Twitter followers, focus on the statistics that can contribute to your revenue. It will be impossible to track ROI if your organization’s social media strategy is not constructed to support lead generation. It is high time to change your outlook and concentrate on generating social media leads.
If you are planning to start a lead generation campaign, Facebook and Twitter profiles are great places to begin with. Here are a few tips that you should consider to generate leads from these two well-known social media profiles:
There are 1.2 billion active monthly users on Facebook and therefore, this channel is the prime focus of the business owners. However, this platform is often not conducive for direct sales, but by distributing quality content and engaging with the customers in one-to-one communication it possible to build trust among the Facebook users. What else you can do to generate leads from this popular channel? Let’s see-
Attracting the customers
First, it is important to understand the kind of information your potential customers are looking for. Sweepstakes, contests and group offers on your Facebook page are good to attract the attention of the customers. Do you remember “Do Us a Flavor” campaign from Lay’s? The brand just asked for a new flavor that the customers may like in their chips. The idea was simple and it clicked. This campaign generated huge publicity and the brand has no doubt gained lots of new customers.
Try to know your customers
You should also think about the information that you might like to know from your customers. It will be easier for you to convert your visitors into lead once you are equipped with more information about them. For that, you may use Facebook tab to ask them few simple questions. However, a social media user does not like these tabs and rarely visit them. You have to think of ways to encourage a visitor to fill up the questionnaire. A giveaway or offer can be enticing and works well to gather customer insights. You can also reveal the content of your website, if the user is ready to fill the signup form. Always try to keep such forms concise with minimum questions. You may ask for email address, demographic data or geographic location information. But, before that, customize your tab and make it brand related. 
If you are a retailer, it is still important to gather customers’ insights so that you can build up relationship with them. You can always allure the customers to walk into store enticing them with discounts and special offers.
Call to Action in your posts
Social media users hardly like sales posts. Instead of sharing your latest offers on your company’s profile, post tips and good images that may get much more appreciation. You can include your email id, phone number or useful links with that post. You may ask your fans to like something, comment on your posts or even interact with your content. This is a great way to generate leads from your content.
Paid ads
The organic reach of Facebook pages have dramatically decreased causing a sensation across industries, as the business leaders are forced to think of paid ads in order to be seen in the platform. With the paid ads the marketers can target the users based on their interests.  In every ad campaign, the advertisers can attach a call-to-action button.
The HubSpot twitter account has 405K followers and more than 50,000 leads. Well, it is not difficult to achieve this landmark.
Build your network
If you tweet, just for the sake of tweeting, you can never achieve your cherished goal of generating leads. There should be a purpose behind your tweets so that more people are attracted to follow you. Focused communities participate in Twitter chats. To gain visibility you have to participate in those relevant group chat. You can either join the thread relevant to your industry or commence a new conversation. Whatever way you may prefer, just make sure that potential customers are participating in the chat.
Lead generation cards
Until now, the focus of a social page has been on optimizing content, so that it is easily discoverable. But, recently the focus has shifted to other aspect with the introduction of Lead generation Cards in Twitter. Now, the social users’ experience are optimized to make things more convenient for the users.
With these cards, it is possible to connect with the Twitter users outside your groups who will be interested in the messages you share. Even the company owners can attach a call to action button within their tweet. Users can expand the tweet, see a description of your offer and call to action. Their name and email address will be pre-filled within the card and they have to click the button to send the information to you. There is no need to leave the page for that.
Tailoring your audiences
Twitter introduced tailored audiences feature. It allows brands to share information with users who have expressed interest in them or in their category. That means your Twitter will only be displayed to people who have interacted with your site somewhere outside the Twitter. It helps to display ads to only the relevant users. This feature has shown an impressive result.
Business owners have to explore social media for many untapped opportunities to connect with potential leads. These are just a few suggestions how you can gain leads from two of the most used social profiles. You must try other social media channels and share the experience with us.

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