Tuesday, August 19, 2014

How to manage your content

Stop sign

One of the more underutilized methods to gain additional insight, both internally and externally, about how your content is resonating, is by soliciting feedback through surveys.

Case studies are a very useful piece of content leveraged in the B2B sales process.

Now, instead of sales folks trying to adapt long case studies into bullets, our content output is focused on this out of the gate.

Develop a short survey that you can distribute across internals teams about how they are leveraging the content you're producing, what's been most effective, and where they see gaps.

With customers and prospects, surveys can help provide texture on your audiences and buyer personas by surfacing details on demographics, preferences, and behaviors.

Surveys provide a relatively easy way to poll varying audiences in a scalable way, producing actionable insights that complement your other metrics, but there are some standard dos and don'ts: Do find ways to add shorter polls or "temperature checks" within content pieces - these could be ratings for whitepaper or reports, comment sections within blogs, or questions on event forms such as, "How did you hear about this?"

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