Friday, August 22, 2014

How Using Images in Social Media Marketing Can Help Improve Business

How Using Images in Social Media Marketing Can Help Improve Business
It is fascinating that the world has taken to Social Media as fish takes to water. However, sometimes there looms a feeling of monotonousness and replication as to what we are seeing or reading. What you need to keep your community or followers engaged is a spark that can generate interest and initiate a discussion. At the end, our brains are more likely to be responsive to stimuli that incites an emotional reaction.
Just think about all the updates, posts, tweets, status messages and pins you see every day. What is it that makes you read or click through a post? A careful analysis shows that most activity in social media sites is triggered by visual representations or images. But if you delve deeper you will still find distinctions that one that is breathtaking or the quirkiest, grabs the most attention. You must be thinking right now, how true it is!
Here are a few tips as to how you too can improve your business by using Images in social media marketing:
Understand Your Networking Community
Knowing and understanding your social network or community is important for judging how images can be strategically used to target customers, so as to get the best benefit in business. Not only does it prove effective in raising your brand, but also facilitates SEO besides improving site traffic.
It is also highly important to understand the customers who are interacting in your social media networks and publish content with ‘well-thought’ images that will grab their attention and even encourage them to share with their networks. 
Use Unique and Engaging Images
Social media is currently suffering from the problem of plenty; therefore it is essential for you to really stand out and make an impression that provokes a customer to take an action like share, retweet or pin. Similarly, for using images make sure to create original and engaging image designs using Photoshop, InDesign and/or Illustrator.
Project Your Business in Visuals
Visuals can be the best medium to project your business and create an instant impression in the minds of the customers. Create an optimum design strategy for your social media marketing campaigns and spice up your content by adding interactive illustration or a pictorial layout that will surprise and enthrall your customers.
Collages that tells Stories
Are you unsure about which image from a cluster of them will project your business in a better way? Well, use the confusion to your advantage. Create a collage of high resolution pictures and place it in strategic location like the header of your homepage and the landing pages for an effective response.
Visualizing Testimonials
Studies have shown that products reviews with images and videos or testimonials with images get better response and prove to be an effective and conversion-friendly technique for generating leads. So the tip is gather quite a few number of reviews and testimonials with images and share them on your social media network to your advantage.
Display Your Laurels
Build online reputation by sharing images of your achievements, awards and laurels you have garnered with your social network. Surveys have shown that businesses have managed to successfully use images of award winning products, appraisals, etc. to their advantage as a branding tool. Have you ever tried doing that?
Project your Best
One of the best ways to attain social media success through images is to project your best face forward. It can be either showcasing the superior quality of your products through visual imagery, with zooming option (just as you see for smartphones), or an illustrated image with brief text. Studies have shown that this technique creates a better transparency with your customer as they get to see what they will be getting.
Infographics is now the emerging trend dominating the social media world. Being highly interactive visual representations of information, data and knowledge intended, it manages to quickly and effectively present complex information. And believe me users are really loving it!
Infographic Image: Pinterest/ starbucks
Regardless of the measures you have been taking to improve your business using visuals courtesy social media marketing, it is imperative that you keep a close track of how ‘actually’ your images are working. Are they generating enough interest and attention? Are they getting enough shares, retweets and pins ups.
If not, then you really need to re-strategize your social media marketing plans involving the images you have been using. Remember, your images should speak and denote your business. Because, as the old adage goes ‘An image can speak a thousand words’.

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