Friday, January 9, 2015

How to Repurpose Existing Enterprise Content Assets

How to Repurpose Existing Enterprise Content Assets
The concept of developing a continuous stream of branded content can be overwhelming to some companies. How can you possibly come up with original, insightful ideas to share with your audience on a constant basis?
The good news is, in many cases, you don’t have to. By repurposing existing content assets that your organization has already developed, you’ll be able to quickly and easily develop new forms of shareable content that can help your company reach new audiences.
Here’s a look at some examples of existing content you might already have, and how you can breathe new life into it through repurposing:

Convert a webinar into a white paper—or vice versa

If your CIO spent weeks developing a detailed webinar to showcase your latest product solution, don’t ditch those slides just yet. You can use the slide material and transcript of her speech to develop one or more white papers from the material.
In order to do this, draw out a series of linked key points from the slideshow, and use them as the basis of a white paper outline. Integrate statistics and data points used in the webinar, as well as those that you’re able to glean through independent research. The goal of a white paper should not be to present a sales pitch for your company; instead, it should provide its reader with analysis and evidence-based details about how to solve a business problem. Once you’ve developed your white paper, you can use a contact form to generate leads from new prospects.
Existing white papers can also serve as fertile ground for the development of new webinars. A longer white paper may be broken down into a series of webinar presentations, each designed to attract a particular audience segment. This Moz article shares some advice on repurposing white papers as webinars.

Break down an e-book into a series of blog posts

While e-books and white papers are typically used as “gated” content to attract new leads, repurposing their key messages as blog posts can help you attract organic search traffic and serve as teaser content to help you attract more downloads.
While an e-book or white paper is likely to be design-heavy and focus on research-based analytical content, your blog content can generally take a more casual tone. For example, an e-book might offer an in-depth comparison of content marketing software vendors and use cases, but a series of blog posts might provide quick, actionable tips on three questions to ask when choosing a vendor, or five ways to assess your vendor’s ROI. Each post should end with a call to action encouraging prospects to learn more by downloading your e-book.

Use stats from a white paper or other industry research to develop an interactive quiz

Your team has no doubt collected many industry-specific statistics and facts to support your product offering—so why not encourage your prospects to test their own industry knowledge in an interactive game? Create a multiple choice or true-or-false quiz that uses data from industry studies to help prospects see how much they know about a certain subject, and scores them accordingly. By asking them to share their email addresses to collect the full results, you can also turn the quiz into a lead-generation tool. Creating quizzes needn’t be difficult: There are a variety of free and premium tools that can get the job done, as this HigherVisibility article shares.

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