Thursday, January 8, 2015

16 Blog Content Ideas for Your Company Website

16 Blog Content Ideas for Your Company Website
If you use your website to market your company, you should be blogging. If you’re not blogging, make it a point in 2015 to at least give it a try. You might be surprised at the number of quality leads it brings to your site. Additionally, blogging is great for increasing your brand trust, it provides a valuable extra layer of service for your customers, and it gives you a chance to influence your industry in both subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle ways. The right blog post can go viral and have a remarkable effect on your business.
Many business owners don’t blog because writing is a difficult discipline to work into your routine. Plus, it’s pretty hard to think of a steady stream of topics to write about if you’re not used to writing. The good news is that there are ideas all around you; you just have to know where to look.

Blog About…

  • Your New Employee: The new guy or gal in your office can be the source of a quick, informative blog post that helps introduce your company to the amazing people who make it run. People like reading about other people, so sit down with your new employee and let them tell you their story for your company blog.
  • Your New Equipment: If you provide services to your customers, tell them when you get a new piece of equipment. It’s a good way to brag to your readers and show them you’re an industry leader. It’s also a good way to introduce the new services your equipment allows you to provide. Capitalize on that big purchase by promoting it on your blog.
  • Local EventsTo drive potential new visitors to your website and inform your local community, consider publishing a local events calendar. This not only provides a valuable and relevant service to readers, it also increases your brand’s visibility when consumers perform a local search for events. Updating a resource like this at least once a month is a valuable content type.
  • Common Myths or Misunderstandings in Your Industry: Every industry has myths surrounding it that just aren’t true. Dentists, for example, get a bad rap for root canals, but most people who have had a root canal in the last ten years will tell you it wasn’t too bad. Come up with a list of common myths or misunderstandings and debunk them. These types of blog posts tend to do well and paint you as an industry thought leader.
  • Other Blogs in Your Industry: Make a list of the top blogs in your industry. It’s a quick, easy way to promote your industry as a whole, and it may lead to some beneficial partnerships, especially if your website is a big part of your overall marketing efforts.
  • Happy CustomersBesides claiming you have “happy customers,” why not interview a few of them so they could say it for themselves? This not only showcases customer satisfaction, but it also informs prospects about the types of customers your business helps. This is a great topic for videos, but you can post written interviews or share online reviews as well. For B2B businesses, you could ask the customer to share how they found out about your business, what kind of solution you provided, and how they felt about working with you. Then don’t forget to let them know the blog about them is on your site, they will be sure to share it.
  • Famous People: Everybody loves celebrities. If you come across a news story about a famous person using products you sell or find out a celebrity relies on a type of service you provide, share it with your readers.
  • How the Times Have Changed: Unless you work in 3D printing or some other relatively new field, your industry has probably undergone substantial change–maybe even while you’ve been working in it. Tell your readers about how your industry used to work, how the products have changed, or how the services used to be performed. Nostalgia resonates well with many audiences.
  • How Things Could Be Better: If you think there are problems in your industry that aren’t being addressed or impacting the consumer, write a quick post about how it could be better. A post like this offers solutions instead of complaints, and it shows off your expertise to your readers and potential customers.
  • The Good You’re Doing: If your business is engaged in any kind of charity or community action, write about it to let your readers know. Tell them what you’re doing and maybe include a few pictures if you’re working on a project. This type of blog post is not only good PR for your company, but it’s also a way to shed light on the cause you care about.
  • A Problem Your Company Solves: You’re in business because what you do, what you make, or what you provide solves a problem. Write about the problem in a way that most people can relate, and then explain in simple terms how your business solves that problem. This idea can actually be the source of many blog posts depending on what you make, do, or provide.
  • Something Unique to Your Industry: Is there a tool that is only used in your industry? Is there software that your industry uses to complete a task? Is there training that only employees in your industry have to receive? Think about something unique to the industry you’re in and tell your readers something they don’t know about.
  • A Day in the Life of Your Industry: TV shows have been created for the sole purpose of telling others what a certain type of employee does every day at work. Write a blog post about a day in the life of one of your employees and tell your readers what it’s like to work in your industry.
  • Getting a Job in Your Industry: Chances are some of your readers want to know what it takes to land a job in your industry. Does a prospective employee need certain credentials, training, or education to work in your field? Do you use recruiters to find employees or do people enter your industry in a unique way? Tell your readers what it takes to work for a company like yours.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Do you or your employees hear the same questions over and over again? If so, chances are people are on the Internet trying to find answers to those questions. Write a blog post about the top frequently asked questions and give them a way to find the answers on your website.
  • Statistics: Appeal to your readers’ sense of logic by sharing interesting statistics about your industry with them. Write about the prevalence of people using your product, or how many people suffer from a problem you provide a service for. Use statistics to tell the reader why your business is right for them.

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