Saturday, April 7, 2012

Social Media Marketing: Three Mistakes to Avoid in 2012

Social media marketing advice isn't difficult to find, since this type of marketing is so important for today's businesses. Unfortunately, there aren't too many "gurus" who will warn you against what you shouldn't do. Luckily for you, by the time you're done with this article, you will know the three biggest mistakes you should avoid in your social media marketing efforts.

Social Media Marketing Mistake #1: Ignoring Your Followers

Whether you're interacting through a Google Plus account, a Facebook Fan page, or some other social media site interface, you can't just sit around and hope you get noticed.
For that matter, you can't just post and hope you get noticed. Social media marketing is all about interacting with your followers, as well as with others in your niche.
This is simple enough on Facebook or Google Plus. All you need to do is post meaningful updates and be sure and respond to comments and others' feedback.
With Twitter and blogging sites, you'll need to be more proactive about seeking out leaders in your niche, then reposting or responding to their posts.

Social Media Marketing Mistake #2: Disregarding Successful Market Trends

Most of us want to stand out in our markets or niches. But when it comes to social media marketing, it's important to stand out in the right way.
Does everyone in your niche seem to be using the same strategy? There's a good chance that they know something you don’t. Ignoring what is working for others in your niche could be detrimental to your financial health.
Maybe you think posting a daily link to some of your content is spammy. And in some niches, daily self-serving posts certainly will be taken that way which can make you lose readers and followers.
But in some niches, just the opposite is true. Many figures in the Law of Attraction niche post to their Facebook pages on a daily (or sometimes almost-daily) basis.
These are often major players and they have been doing the same thing for quite some time. So if you are in their niche, do yourself a favor and post to your FB fan page wall every day.

Social Media Marketing Mistake #3: Accepting Your Niche's Current Limits

Social media marketing is complex but essential for business marketing success. Image by smarnad.

While you might be comfortable with your niche’s current limits, if you stay within the accepted limits of your niche, you'll never stand out in the ways you need to. At some point, you'll need to try something new with your social media marketing.
This happens all the time with offline marketing. Everyone in a market, niche, or profession uses the same basic strategies, appeals to similar motives, has similar offers, etc.
If you want to go the extra mile (and make the extra dollars), you'll have to try something new in your social media marketing. But how can you safely know what will work? The answer is to look at different (but related) niches.
If you're selling all-natural supplements, for example, you might do well to look at the yoga niche. If you try three things they're doing in their niche that no one is doing in yours, there's a good chance that at least one of them will work like gangbusters.
You'll blow everybody else out of the water and look like a genius in your niche. More importantly, however, you'll be getting more leads and making more sales with your social media marketing efforts!

Get The Basics of Social Media Marketing Right

Avoiding these three major mistakes in social media marketing will give you a great start when it comes to creating your marketing plan for social media and connecting with your followers. When it comes to your social media marketing plan, you should be making room to connect with followers on a daily basis (if not several times a day!) and researching current trends in your niche and related niches so that you can stay on top of what's working with your target market

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