Saturday, July 28, 2012

Heineken – Q: How Much are our Facebook Fans Worth? A: 80 Extra Bottles a Year Each ($25.8M)

So the 83,812 Facebook fans of Heineken’s leading UK cider brand Bulmers each consume 80 bottles more per year than average (non-fan) adopters.
Or £198.64 (US $308.99) more revenue per fan per year.  That’s a cool $25.8 million extra coming in from the brand’s Facebook fans.
That’s the finding of a new study by market research company TNS, along with social media pioneers We Are Social.  In a simple controlled study (comparing reported consumption among adopters (fans vs. non fans (in a TNS panel)), TNS found that consumers connecting with Bulmers via Facebook were more valuable than average customers.
Research biases notwithstanding, some may take this as evidence of the value of social media – or that Facebook marketing pays off – encouraging people to buy more.  Of course it is nothing of the kind (the most parsimonious explanation is that people who consume more are simply more likely to connect with the brand on Facebook).
But what the study does show is that Facebook may have significant potential as a useful targeting tool for heavy/valuable users (propensity to (re)purchase/recommend).  Facebook is a flypaper for brand fans. Therein lies its value.


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