Monday, March 25, 2013

Klout Launches New Business Tools

Klout Business
Klout started to roll out a set of complimentary tools yesterday for businesses that will help them identify key influencers engaging with their brands in social media. Klout helps measure influence based on the ability to drive action on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Klout for Business will help you tap into that influential audience!

What is Klout for Business?

Klout for Business is a set of tools designed to help companies unlock the reach and power of their most influential brand advocates. Businesses now have an easy-to-read dashboard that can quickly give them insights into their audience's top influencers, which networks would be best to engage them on, and most importantly Klout can tell you which topics your audience influences others on most to help maximize your content efforts and drive conversations about your brand. Businesses can also use Klout Perks to reward these loyal influencers with free prizes.

Network Optimization

online business tools

Top Topics

klout topics
Klout stated in their press announcement:

"Klout reaches over 70% of today’s digital influencers and attracts new users every day. Klout for Business will continue to develop into a portal where we intend to help brands and agencies streamline their understanding, management and engagement with this important segment of the digital population. Our goal is to help brands and influencers build relationships that transcend the current advertiser-consumer dynamic."
You can get more information and sign up for early access to these free insights on the new Klout for Business portal. Some other facts and stats provided by Klout:
  • On average, content produced by Klout influencers garners 4x as many retweets as content posted by average social media users.
  • People who visit product pages recommended by Klout influencers spend more than 2x as long on site.
  • People who see content from Klout influencers are more than 2x as likely to click through to an advertiser page.

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