Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How to Avoid Content Marketing Mistakes

ImageGreat content should inspire loyalty and interest from potential consumers. As more companies embrace the importance of content marketing, there are still many common missteps. Here are some content marketing mistakes to avoid:

Mistake #1: Not setting clear goals

Attempting any type of content marketing without having any clear goals in mind is pointless. Your content will not be able to achieve what you want if you don’t even know what you want. What can you do? Take the time to develop goals that support your overall business strategy. Examples of some goals might be:
  • Increasing website traffic
  • Generating social referrals
  • Building brand awareness
Once you’ve established your goals, then you can create action items that can help guide your content marketing strategy.

Mistake #2: Not involving other departments

In many organizations content creators often work in silos, and more often than not these content creators are not communicating with each other. This results in confusion and mixed messages for consumers. If two departments are writing about the same topic without talking to each other, then this not only creates duplicated efforts, but if the content is not consistent, then it may confuse your customers as well. What can you do? Create a master editorial calendar that guides content for multiple platforms. This will encourage consistency and collaboration.

Mistake #3: Only using the blog to market your content

Are you only using your blog to market content? In order to broaden your reach you should include channels your customers are already using, and exploring different ways your content can be shared.What can you do? Try leveraging blog posts to develop infographics or even including videos in your blog posts. Exploring different channels may inspire additional opportunities for you.

Mistake #4: Talking too much and not listening

Nothing is more annoying than a brand that is always selling. If this sounds like you, then you’re missing the opportunity to engage with your readers. Listening to what your consumers are saying about you and other interests will only help you learn more about them. This will also give you the opportunity to respond to relevant concerns. What can you do? Try asking questions, or even responding to questions your readers put forward. You should also try engaging with the social community – share interesting and relevant content from others. You’ll be surprised at how much this can expand your reach!

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