Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Stop Worrying About Future Google Algorithm Updates Using This One Trick

seo tactics
There's been a lot of talk and articles published in the last year regarding Google's aggressive introduction of ongoing algorithm updates which, for many SEOs and marketers, has resulted in a nightmare of lost SERP positions, declined website traffic, fewer lead conversions and a hit on their bottom line. Some were able to quickly repair things by addressing the black hat-related SEO tactics that Google was cracking down on, but then found themselves in the same position a few months later when yet another algorithm update was introduced.

If only marketers could escape this ongoing roller coaster of looming algorithm updates. Guess what? You can, using one little trick. 
It's actually not a trick at all but a proven tactic that Google and other search engines have been telling marketers to do for a while.
Last week my fellow associate Sam Lowe wrote on Google's latest algorithm update, named Hummingbird, and what this latest update means for marketers and their websites. Hummingbird is the largest update from Google since the original release of Panda and Penguin and is designed to "put less emphasis on keywords and more emphasis on the context of a user's search."
With the discipline of Inbound Marketing, content creation is the lifeblood and core focus that we Inbound Marketers constantly preach and spend the most time on. The facts on what a dedicated approach to content creation can do for search rankings, traffic growth and lead conversions has been proven again and again. And with continued hints from Google that this is the preferred and safe way to go to perform in organic search, what are you waiting for?!

More Proof That Inbound Marketing Is The Safest SEO Strategy

Back in January I did a case study on Weidert Group's own SEO success, based on our dedication to Inbound Marketing and writing consistent blog articles 4-5 per week. I wanted to revisit this, not to brag or show off, but to highlight the fact that over the last two years of aggressive algorithm updates from Google we haven't seen one bump in the road as far as our organic search traffic growth or SERP rank for the various marketing topics we specialize in and write about.
The chart included here shows our organic search growth since we began seriously embracing Inbound Marketing and writing high-quality and consistent blog articles back in July of 2011. We'd say the data speaks for itself.
grow organic search traffic with inbound marketing
With our blogging efforts we're obviously mindful of our keyword selection and usage but we don't stress over it. We're more concerned and focused on addressing the common questions we hear when speaking with a prospect about helping them embrace Inbound Marketing or the many pain points our target personas are burdened with and how we can address those through a helpful blog article.
The whole point here is, if you're serious about wanting to establish an organic SEO presence that will sustain itself over time without taking hits from future search algorithm updates, you need to get on the content train now and put the appropriate resources behind it. Increased SERP rank, website traffic, natural inbound links and more leads will then follow.