Friday, January 17, 2014

5 Social Media Benefits of Blogging

Getting results from social media can mean more traffic for your website, a bigger fanbase, more sales for products, or more awareness for your brand. Every company that is considering social media needs to define their own goals. Once they have defined their goals, it’s time to consider using blogging to enhance the results.

How Blogging Has Helped My Social Results

I often get asked how to get more likes on Facebook. While the fastest way to get more fans is to use Facebook advertising (yup I said it) my best results have come from blogging. When I see a spike in my numbers on Facebook, it is almost always right after a blog post I wrote has gotten a lot of exposure.
Facebook is not my most active network, I work on client’s Facebook pages to get traffic but I get a better response from other networks. However, I almost always get new likes on Facebook when I write a new post. In this post, I’d like to cover more of the benefits I’ve found from blogging and how you can get similar results.

Get More Followers on All Platforms By Blogging

Blogging alone usually brings in some new likes. I have the Facebook like buttons in my sidebar. You can get your like box here.
As for other social media networks, I’ve increased my followers through G+, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest. Every post I write is distributed to each network. Depending on the site I include photos, hashtags, mentions or simply target the right groups to get exposure. Exposure on social media often turns into new followers.

Every Blog Post is An Opportunity

I read the other day that Chris Brogan said “every blog post is an opportunity”. I agree, and while he focused on the business opportunities, I’m going to focus on the sharing, exposure and influence opportunities. Each post has its own title and content to back it up, when it is shared others see it, they read it, share it, and give it their endorsement. For every post you write you get these opportunities.

You Are Giving Back

Your followers often do something for you, they give you access to their home feed and allow you to connect with them. This is a priviledge many forget to appreciate. I suggest blogging as a way to show the world how much you appreciate your followers and the people who need your information. In every post you write you can focus on providing quality, useful content your target market needs. This can easily be your thank you for their loyalty.

Increased Engagement & Response

When you post a blog on Facebook, you should include some teaser information about it. Done correctly teaser posts get your fans to check out your newest blog post, and engage with you. Initiating a response on Facebook is part of the algorithm used to decide who sees what updates. On additional platforms such as Twitter and Linkedin, just being more active (having more links to share, too) will lead to more response and action from your followers.

PreSelling Your Audience

In sales the typical website has a page set up for every product or service they are selling. The page goes hardcore into the reasons you need the product and why it will make your life much better. Highly targeted traffic is sent to these pages to get conversions. Social media traffic is not normally ready for this kind of sales pitch, so preselling through a blog post (even promotional) is a great way to see how interested people are, and collect leads for following up in email.
There are a lot of benefits to blogging. Having a blog in addition to your social media presence can multiply your efforts and help your business grow more quickly than by doing either social media or blogging alone. Give it a shot this year, start using your blog and social media to get better results, then come back and tell me about your experience.

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