Sunday, March 9, 2014

5 Reasons You Need Buyer Personas

Here are five reasons we have benefited from personas and how they can also provide value to your organization.
1. Organizational Alignment 
How can you align within your organization if you don't share the same definition of who your target customer is? By building and utilizing personas, you give everyone a common definition of the target and will even find the persona name being referenced during internal meetings to get everyone on the same page. 
2. Content Strategy 
What message will attract your audience and which content will keep them engaged? Creating the right message and delivering it to the right person demands that you know who you are talking to. Without personas it is difficult to target your audience with precision. Personas should shape the content you produce, giving you the ability to generate specific pieces based on the person that you need to engage and generate a need for your products. 
3. Promotional Strategy
Where and when should you advertise? By understanding where your buyers are researching how to solve their pain points, you can effectively reach them with ads and content when it's most relevant. 
4. Sales Enablement
Is your sales channel ready to engage with decision makers, influencers, and end users about their specific needs and goals? Understanding who you're talking to before picking up the phone or entering the meeting is critical to the success of the sale. Customers want to know that you understand them and their business. Personas provide the foundation for all sales people to go in with a baseline understanding of their audience. 
5. Product Development
How can you preemptively address your customers' pain points and objectives if you don't have a clear understanding of who they are? Personas provide a clear definition of your target customer that can be shared with your product team, giving them additional knowledge for planning and development.
As marketers, we are tasked with knowing our buyers and creating an environment in which they view our organizations and our people as trusted advisors. In B2B, people buy from people, not companies. In B2C, sometimes people buy just based on brands but they're still looking for a personal connection. Knowing your buyer and speaking their language from the first interaction to the final sale will ensure you come out on top.

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