Monday, March 3, 2014

How to Social Proof Your Search Engine Optimization Campaign

social proof

Social proofing your business is one of the best ways to maintain a solid digital market positioning in your choice of industry. In constantly changing consumer behaviour, it is crucial for internet marketers to establish a good marketing stand where consumer behaviour becomes more predictable. Integrating social feedback to SEO digital marketing provides a more solid ground of influencing your target consumer’s purchasing behaviour to retain customer engagement and interest to your business.
Integrating social media marketing campaign to SEO
Any search engine optimization companies will always integrate social media in their SEO digital marketing strategies. The influence of social media to a marketing campaign is valuable because it can help in social proofing a business despite the changing trends and demands within your business industry. The recommendation coming from the public is a very strong force that can drive your search engine optimization campaign towards a more profitable return of investment. According to the Search Engine Land survey in 2012, about 72% of the consumers trust online reviews which drive about 50% of the consumer preference in patronizing a particular product or service online.
Search engine optimization services in Atlanta recognize the social media’s significant impact on the search engine results and its influence to the consumer buying behaviour. The more people recommend your brand, the better search engine rank your business is able to earn that will give your products and services a better online marketing visibility in reaching a wider audience.
In order to social proof your business here are some ways of integrating social media to your SEO digital marketing campaign:
1. Leverage on Google Plus account + Google Adword
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The Google Plus is undoubtedly an important social component with the SEO benefit. By integrating the Google +1 to your Google Adword campaign, it can help boost your search engine optimization strategies.
  • Integrate Google Plus to your Adword campaign by accessing the Campaign tab from your Adword account. Select the Ad extensions tab from the right side of the Campaign tab window. Click on the Social Extensions tab > New extension and select which of the Adword campaigns on your account you want to integrate your Google Plus account by pasting the URL of your Google Plus page.
  • Use your Google Plus account to attract social connections and develop social engagements to your business. By growing the number of your Google +1’s it can impact your digital marketing organic traffic and paid results. This will boost the personalized search results to your Adword campaign that can drive sales forces to your business.
2. Get attention to your business by growing social comments
Whenever people comment about your business it indicates that your business is able to engage them. One way of using social media to your SEO campaign is to enhance your social presence by publishing high quality content using different media to make it more enticing to your readers while sending good SEO signals to the search engine.
  • Post high quality content to your business page on Facebook and entice your followers to “Like” it.
  • Tweet updates regarding your business products and services regularly to keep the interest of your followers high.
  • Use Pinterest to showcase enticing images about your products and services, highlighting its benefits and advantages to your customers.
  • Add the social media buttons or badges to your business pages in order to entice your website visitors to share your content and business updates more easily.
  • Be active in responding to social comments and feedback. Your customers will likely become more engaged once you are able to entertain their comments, likes and recommendations about your business.
3.       Use content marketing tactics to social proof your SEO strategy
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Content remains to be the King in a search engine optimization campaign. The majority, if not all, of the social media marketing companies in Atlanta integrate content marketing as part of a solid SEO digital marketing campaign with the social media marketing value. High quality content focuses on the following areas of your SEO tactics:
  • Write high quality, relevant and informative content that will provide solution to your readers. Social media users will prefer sharing content that they find to be useful and relevant to their needs. If you are incapable of writing high quality content, you can outsource this task to a reliable social media marketing company.
  • Leverage on social engagement to your content by re-tweeting and publishing your content to your various social media business accounts. Entice your followers to like and re-tweet them too because the frequency of social shares to your content have a good impact to the search engine results.
  • Work out in developing social mentions by writing killer content that will be attractive to your readers that they will find worth sharing to others. This is a good indicator that your business is authentic and credible.
  •  Use the rel=”author” to your content to allow the Google algorithm to track down your linked content which can boost your traffic links while properly crediting the primary sources of your content.
4.       Social proof your SEO marketing through social reference
Social media users like freebies. A digital marketing campaign that includes the giving away of free reports, coupons, ebooks, gifts or sample products is a good way of creating ripples of name dropping your business across the various social media platforms. Through social reference people will be talking about your brand, products or services that will merit a positive indicator for the search engine to recognize your business as relevant and valuable to the consumers.
5.       Make your business the leader in fresh news and content
The social media is intended for communication and engagement of people in the virtual world. By making yourself a leader in delivering the freshest news and content about the updates, research findings and latest trends within your business niche industry you can invite a significant attention from the social media users to talk about your business. This can boost the social signals to your digital marketing campaign and will benefit your SEO by driving more organic traffic to your site.
  • Publish news report to your main site and tweet about it to your Twitter account or post the same news update to your Facebook business page.
  • Discover what your customers think about a particular research finding and provide useful information that will be worth discussing on your business page forum. .
  • Pick intriguing questions and provide a solid answer to your customers who are interested in participating in giving feedback and comments about your content.
  • Optimize your news content with keywords that are relevant to your business in order to add more advantageous benefits to your search engine rank.

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