Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Social Media, Mobile Marketing Use Rises Among Small Businesses

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Facebook and mobile websites are a growing focus of small businesses, though overall marketing spend remains flat year-over-year.

Small businesses are focusing more of their budgets on websites and other Web properties, such as social networks and mobile optimized sites, according to research firm BIA/Kelsey’s Local Commerce Monitor, an ongoing tracking survey of small to medium-size businesses (SMBs) conducted with research partner Ipsos. The report found SMBs are spending, on average, $1,190 in these media and marketing areas during the previous 12 months, up from up from $876 in the report conducted during the fourth quarter of 2011.

Small businesses are also turning more to mobile platforms and the advertising and promotion formats that ride on them. In the latest survey, 14.7 percent of respondents reported having a mobile website, with another 22 percent saying they intend to add one within the next 12 months. That figure represents a healthy rise in the percentage of SMBs that reported having a mobile website during the Q4 2011 survey (8.7 percent).

“While total annual spending on advertising and promotion remained flat at around $3,000 for the previous 12 months, SMBs are locating more of their marketing dollars to digital presence assets,” BIA/Kelsey director of research Steve Marshall said in a statement. 

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