Thursday, November 7, 2013

Facebook's New Page Insights Spell Big Changes For Marketers

Facebook insights updated
Recently, social networking giant Facebook has made some changes to their Insights that have the online marketing world talking.­­ If you manage a business Page, chances are you’ve probably already noticed that things look a bit different. On the other hand, Facebook has been experiencing significant downtime in the past two weeks, so the changes may have flown completely under the radar. Here’s a brief summary of what’s different and what you can expect from Facebook’s updated Page Insights.

You can actually see how people are talking about your page
Remember the People Talking About This metric? It was every Facebook marketers Achilles heel. While it was interesting to see which posts provoked more page activity, there was no way to collect actionable data about how people were talking about your page. The all-encompassing People Talking About This metric included everything from the total page likes you received on any particular day to how many people interacted with your posts.

The new Page Insights actually breaks down the former People Talking About This into more helpful categories: new page likes and where they came from; post likes, comments, and shares;, and actions such as mentions and check-ins. So instead of speculating about how Facebook users are engaging with your page, it’s now easier to track down some valuable data that you can use to inform your future social media marketing efforts.
The navigation makes more sense
The amount of data that the new Facebook insights provides is both intimidating and exciting. To make it easier to manage, the Facebook team has broken it all down into a neater, more intuitive menu. You have the option of comparing high-level metrics in an overview tab, or you can choose to review more specific data related to page likes, reach, visits, post engagement, and people. While some of these categories existed before the update, the new tabs break down the data in a way that’s more manageable and measurable. A big part of this is because the People Talking About This tab has now been phased out and replaced.

Tracking how your tabs are performing
Arguably one of the most exciting change to Insights is that page managers are now able to review how their tabs are performing. This data is especially useful for those that are using custom tabs on Facebook as part of their marketing strategy around new competitions or product launches. Marketers can easily click through to check out a graph of which tabs received the most clicks from page visitors daily. The data can also be tracked over time to get an idea of total average visits over the life of a particular campaign.

Comparing your audience demographics with all of Facebook
Have you ever been curious as to how your page is performing with a particular audience compared to others on Facebook? The new People tab tracks your fans’ demographic information as it did previously, but it also lets you view the data in a broader context. Page managers can see how their business page is resonating with women and men in different age groups as compared to other pages on Facebook.

This information is helpful in a couple different ways. The most obvious is that it provides a telling look into who’s most likely to be interested in your brand, which can help you identify your customer avatar. It can also help shed some light on how you can improve your marketing strategy to attract a particular audience.
The recent changes to Page Insights have made it much easier to collect useful and actionable data for your business. The Facebook team has phased out and replaced People Talking About This, so you can see how users are engaging with your page. This change has also helped improve navigation within the Insights feature. The new Page Insights also lets you track how your tabs are performing with your audience, and provides valuable demographic information to inform your future marketing efforts. It will be interesting to see how businesses use the data gathered from Facebook Insights to improve their inbound marketing efforts.

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